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vite-plugin-mock-dev-server is a plugin dedicated to providing mock services in the development environment of Vite.

It uses the built-in http and http-proxy services of Vite to intercept the proxy paths configured by server.proxy in a second level. When the rules are hit, it returns the mock data configured.

You can use any third-party module in the mock configuration file with node. This means that you can use libraries like mockjs / faker-js to help generate mock data.

The plugin supports responding to various data types including text/json/Buffer/ReadStream, and also supports setting headers, cookies, etc.

The plugin supports simulating WebSocket, making it easy to debug WebSocket services in a local development environment.

The plugin also supports simulating Server-Sent Events, making it easy to debug EventSource in a local development environment.


  • ⚡️ Lightweight, Flexible, Fast.
  • 🧲 Not injection-based, non-intrusive to client code.
  • 💡 ESModule/commonjs.
  • 🦾 Typescript.
  • 🔥 HMR
  • 🏷 Support json / json5.
  • 📦 Auto import mock file.
  • 🎨 Support any lib, like mockjs, or do not use it.
  • 📥 Path rule matching, request parameter matching.
  • ⚙️ Support Enabled/Disabled any one of the API mock.
  • 📀 Supports response body content type such as text/json/buffer/stream.
  • ⚖️ Use server.proxy
  • 🍕 Support viteConfig.define and env in the mock file.
  • ⚓️ Support viteConfig.resolve.alias in the mock file.
  • 🌈 Support vite preview mode.
  • 📤 Support multipart content-type, mock upload file.
  • 📥 Support mock download file.
  • ⚜️ Support WebSocket MockServer-Sent Events
  • 🗂 Support building small independent deployable mock services.

Released under the MIT License.